Tuesday, 19 February 2013


One thing I am really appreciating about this inquiry and the research is the literature support. Initially I was lost about the sort of literature I needed and how to find it. I also thought that the literature had to be very closely linked to my inquiry (more or less identical to the inquiry, but then it will not be a new inquiry or discovery; will it) and the subject matter and I really struggled. I even complained about this in my earlier post.

Then I soon discover that this is not the case and the subject matters the inquiry is associated with is heavily linked with education and anything to do with education as well as performance I should look into it. Once I broaden my search it became easier to uncover a lot of literature that can be use in the inquiry.

I love how one literature can lead you onto another literature they used in aid of writing their subject matter and interests (just like I stated in a previous post about considering your literature as a friend. I consider these literatures as a friend or a friend or acquaintances). This is great because one book or research can link you to other book or researcher and before long your reading list and literature review has grown in a very short time period.

There is a lot of reading involve and a lot of analytical skills that has to be use not just to discover and understand the literature itself but to also try and fit and link it in your inquiry.

I had a literature about women attending university. At first I thought this has nothing to do with my inquiry and I was wasting my time. However, the more I read the book and the more my inquiry progress; I discover that this book and the researcher have a strong link to the inquiry. It backs up and supports some of what I am now discovering about the educational system after the primary and compulsory education (post 16 education or GCSE) as well as disagreeing and going against some of the points I have recovered.

I am now fully aware that both the evidence (whether for or against your inquiry) and data collection has to be done together for a fully in depth understanding and progression in the inquiry. I realised that one cannot be done without the other, otherwise lost and confusion can foster and cloud the true result of the inquiry.

This leads me perfectly onto how free and somewhat blind you have to be to the inquiry, the outcome and the result. Let the inquiry control itself and the result. One it’s easier and gives you a lot more room to manoeuvre and it’s fun to discover new things.   

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