Tuesday 19 February 2013


I am shock to say that Adesola was right when I spoke to her around October of last year. She told me that I had more material in my inquiry than I realised and she was absolutely right but, in my panic mood of mind of not completing any interviews or having limited literature sources, I did not see it at the time. I thought because I haven't completed what I stated from module 2,  It was going to be impossible to do the inquiry (I still didn't have enough information to complete the inquiry but I had a lot of information that would have been a great starting point and was a great starting point). It was only when I started to attend the open days and researching some of my literature that I knew more about my topic than I realised.
My experiences as a Performing Arts student and my new work at a six form college had given me a lot of insight and information into this topic.

My point of this blog is to look at the broader picture and expand your mind, thought and experience beyond the initial findings because you will be surprise at where the inquiry can take you.  


One thing I am really appreciating about this inquiry and the research is the literature support. Initially I was lost about the sort of literature I needed and how to find it. I also thought that the literature had to be very closely linked to my inquiry (more or less identical to the inquiry, but then it will not be a new inquiry or discovery; will it) and the subject matter and I really struggled. I even complained about this in my earlier post.

Then I soon discover that this is not the case and the subject matters the inquiry is associated with is heavily linked with education and anything to do with education as well as performance I should look into it. Once I broaden my search it became easier to uncover a lot of literature that can be use in the inquiry.

I love how one literature can lead you onto another literature they used in aid of writing their subject matter and interests (just like I stated in a previous post about considering your literature as a friend. I consider these literatures as a friend or a friend or acquaintances). This is great because one book or research can link you to other book or researcher and before long your reading list and literature review has grown in a very short time period.

There is a lot of reading involve and a lot of analytical skills that has to be use not just to discover and understand the literature itself but to also try and fit and link it in your inquiry.

I had a literature about women attending university. At first I thought this has nothing to do with my inquiry and I was wasting my time. However, the more I read the book and the more my inquiry progress; I discover that this book and the researcher have a strong link to the inquiry. It backs up and supports some of what I am now discovering about the educational system after the primary and compulsory education (post 16 education or GCSE) as well as disagreeing and going against some of the points I have recovered.

I am now fully aware that both the evidence (whether for or against your inquiry) and data collection has to be done together for a fully in depth understanding and progression in the inquiry. I realised that one cannot be done without the other, otherwise lost and confusion can foster and cloud the true result of the inquiry.

This leads me perfectly onto how free and somewhat blind you have to be to the inquiry, the outcome and the result. Let the inquiry control itself and the result. One it’s easier and gives you a lot more room to manoeuvre and it’s fun to discover new things.   

Sunday 10 February 2013

Open Day/Evening

I had a mix success this week in regards to my interview with the institutions. I had a very successful interview with one institution on 7 February 2013 where the staffs were nice, welcoming and answer every questions. I also took the opportunity to had over a consent form and letter to a parent and her daughter who attended the performing arts opening evening. I'm still waiting for her phone call, I don't mind if she doesn't call because both of us were asking questions at the same time and the information and observation I got from her and her daughter answer most of my questions. I just missed the beginning of their inquiry about the course and institution.

The second open day I attended was a wast of time because they only did a level 2 course in Performing Arts and I am really interested in a level 3 or above course.

I still have about one more interview to collect from the institutions and I have about two more chances/open evening to attend.

I am hoping I can also interview parents/students on the day of these event of interview them over the half term.

After the half term I really want to start analysing the data and literature and over the Easter break to start making an attempt on the inquiry.

The good news is that I now know the format my artifact will be presented and it is a format that compliment very well the inquiry and my journey through this course and life.


Above is a rough estimation of when I should complete each tasks for the inquiry.  I am on track according to this time line. I just need to attend one more open day/evening to complete my interviews with the institution and by next week I would have completed my interviews with some students. Over the half term, I will collect all the literature reviews.  

Saturday 2 February 2013

Literature Reviews

After attending the presentation I now know what can of literature review that is required for the inquiry. After re-investigating some literature review, I have found some that is related to my topic. However, the literatures I have come across so far, either talks about primary educations or university educations. So far I haven't come across any literatures that talk about (UK) college or Further educations. If anyone and suggests any literature they might have come across relating to Performing Arts in colleges (UK) or Further education, I will appreciate it.

Here are some of the list of literatures I have come across; Some of you may find these relevant to you inquiries.

Flood Sweat and Theory: Research Through Practice by John Freeman

The Dance Conortium Report on Arts and Cognition in Performance

Research Methods in Theatre and Performing by Baz Kershaw and Helen Nicholson

Non-Traditional Entrants to Higher Education: They talk about people like me by Marion Bowl

Understanding Learning and Teaching: The Experience in Higher Education by Michael Prosser and Keith Trigwell

Parental Choice? A Critical Reconsideration of choice and the Debate about choice by PL Thomas

Teaching for Quality Learning at University (4 Edition) by John Biggs and Catherine Tang

Choosing the Right College 2010-2011: The Whole Truth about America's Top School by John Zmirak

Choosing your Degree Course and University by Brian Heap

My first official Opening Day for the inquiry

I attended an open day today. I thought this was the best way to get some information from the institutions and after I told and asked Adesole if it was ok to conduct my inquiry in this manner (from my previous post, you all know that institutions were more than shy to conduct an interview with my inquiry). I was hugely disappointed. There wasn't any one from the Performing Arts department and any current students to talk to about their course or to do a mini tour of what the college has to offer.

After travelling a long journey, I thought I might as well get some information. I then was pointed to the direction of three ladies who sat behind desks. When it was my turn to speak to one of the lady, she couldn't answer any questions and just printed off one page of information for me and gave me a prospectus. She then said that I should to a teacher by calling (which by the way she didn't give me any particular name or name).

The whole day was conducted like an interview. I thought an open day was for potential student to have a feel of what the college is like. View the facilities and talk to current students and staff to then make a more thorough decision about if the college or course is really for them. The open day was not even conducted in the campus where the performing arts is taught. If I was a potential I would not want to have stayed at the college.

I will be attending two more opening days this week as well as my workplace having one on Wednesday. I am hoping to get more information from other colleges.


Presentation Day

Last Thursday I attended the presentation for the students who has completed Module 3. I have to say it was great. Everyone worked so hard and was passionate about their inquiries.

I also thought it was great for me because it was an eye opener of what is expected not just for the presentation but, for the module and the inquiry in general. I was a bit lost and confuse about this whole module but, attending the presentation as more than clear up any confusion about what the inquiry wants from us.

I think more future Module 3 students should attend the presentation.

Thank you to everyone who took part, it was a great job and you all should be very proud of yourselves.