Sunday, 4 November 2012

Campus Session 2 Module 3

Wednesday 31 October 2012 Campus Session was very interesting. We discussed a lot of things and issues that can help us with our inquiry. I’m just going to explain two things I found really helpful in tackling the inquiry.

The first helpful advice that came from the inquiry is to consider all your literature as a close group of friends who all have different concepts, ideology and theories about your particular inquiry. Their ideas and theories count because it will help to give the inquiry a more 3D and a more rounded form. Also it will help you to analyse the inquiry in more depth and add more shadows and shades. Just as you will refer to a friends concept you can also refer to these literature concept; for example, if your inquiry is about what car manufacturer is the best. When you want to argue your point, we generally refer to what our friends say. If Johnny thinks that BMW are good because it has stronger engine or Bob says that Ferrier as great because it is fast, we will use these thought and concept as a way to strengthen our point or our findings. It is the same when we are using these literatures. We use it to try and explain our findings and how these concepts compare to our findings.

The second helpful advice is to tell a friend our inquiry using the different headlines. If our friends explains our inquiry back to us and understand it then it is more likely that the inquiry is very clear and it can be very clear to the generally public because we really are write this inquiry for the generally public.


  1. Thank you, this was very helpful to me especially in terms of analysing the data!

    1. I am happy to hear it. I think sometimes it helps to visualised things that relates to us in everyday life. We only have limited academic life/experience and it can be overwhelming trying to relate our thought in this form.

  2. Thank you for posting about this Rhoda
